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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Top 5 Reads Revisited!

1. Long walk to Freedom (Nelson Mandela)
Still my all time favourite!! Sensational to read the life of one of the world's most influential people! It really struck a cord when he spoke of his first experience of flying in plane with a black pilot -- and even he worried about his safety because the pilot was black. For a black activist freedom fighter to speak openly of about such an experience, it certainly made me think.

2. Trinity (Leon Urus)
This is a fictional story about the beginnings of the IRA - kept me captivated throughout the whole book. Urus portrays fictional characters against the backdrop of a true historical event. After reading this I did have a greater appreciation for the issues faced by Northern Ireland. However I had to make sure I kept his views in perspect -- as it was written very one sided from a republican view point.

3. The Sunne in Splendor (Sharon Penman)
An epic read, but worth ever minute. I never had much knowledge of the War of the Roses... and this gave such a delightful insight into English life in the 1500s. The characters are described in superb detail, leaving you with a perfect image of what every character looked like. It was written in a way that made you feel each emotion the characters were going through. It covers all the right elements -- it gave me tears, laughter and a wonderful story of love.

4. The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)
Inspirational read -- I won't write too much about this one, as I know it's nearly been everyone's favourite in our book club. I did manage to read it all without putting it down...

5. Holy Cow(Sarah Macdonald)
I read this book after I was deciding whether to move to India. What a fantastic read. It covers the good bits and the bad bits of living in India... and it finished on a very positive note -- which helped me make my life changing decision to go and live there for a few years.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Life Changing and Regret Reading!

LIFE CHANGING: Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less(Jeffery Archer)
This was a book about a group of four men who were done over by a conman... they sought revenge by making him pay back the exact amount they had lost. This was Jeffery Archer's first novel and one of his best. But the reason I chose this for my Life Changing experience is that it was the first book I'd ever read cover to cover in 2 days [which was outside the set reading list at school]. My Mum gave it to me on a holiday... and I've never looked back. I went from hating reading to loving it!

REGRET READING: 31 Songs (Nick Hornby)
I was a huge Nick Hornby fan with High Fidelity and About a Boy... but I have to say, this book was a total self indulgent piece of crap.

Biography and Love

BIOGRAPHY: Long walk to Freedom (Nelson Mandela)
Sensational to read the life of one of the world's most influential people! This was one of my top 5 best reads!

LOVE: Chocolat (Joanne Harris)
I am not usually a big love story reader... but I did really enjoy Chocolat. Perhaps even more so after my favourite actor played the romantic hero in the movie. It really did make me what to move to France and indulge in great food and all the simple pleasures of life.

Historical and Enlightenment

THEME: Historical
Sunne In Splendour (Sharon Penman): One of the most amazing books I've ever read - thanks for suggesting it Linda!! It was truly amazing. I now have a much more passionate interest in English history.

EMOTION: Enlightenment
Questions of Life (Nicky Gumbel): This book tries to answer some of the key questions at the heart of Christian faith. It is based on the Alpha course that started at a church in South Kensington which has now spread worldwide. It was written by a guy, that when growing up thought Christian faith was boring, untrue and irrelevant. It sure had an impact on me.

Crime and Nostalgia

CRIME: Killing Pablo(Mark Bowden)
An intriuging book that showed the nasty side of the war against drug. Pablo was such a critical player in the cocaine trade in Columbia. It was very intersting to read how he evaded the police for so long... but finally it all came crashing down.

NOSTALGIA: Pig City -- from the Saints to Savage Garden (Andrew Stafford)
I only bought this a week ago and haven't had the chance to read it... but what better way to bring on the nostalgia feeling than to read a book about the city that is home to me (Brisbane Queensland) through the eyes of the bands that made world renowned music in a city that was ruled by iron fisted policitians.

Travel and Humour

Chocolat (Joanne Harris)

Hungry Years (William Leith)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Top 5 Books

1. Long walk to Freedom (Nelson Mandela)
Sensational to read the life of one of the world's most influential people!

2. Trinity (Leon Urus)
This is a fictional story about the beginnings of the IRA - kept me captivated throughout the whole book.

3. About A Boy (Nick Hornsby)
Cute little story... Great film too.

4. Chronicles (Bob Dylan)
Another amazing man. He has some really insightful things to say about life.

5. One Child (Tory Hayden)
If you ever thinking of becoming a mother, this is a perfect book to read about the thoughts of a little girl who came out ok after a terrible introduction to life.