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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Life Changing and Regret Reading!

LIFE CHANGING: Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less(Jeffery Archer)
This was a book about a group of four men who were done over by a conman... they sought revenge by making him pay back the exact amount they had lost. This was Jeffery Archer's first novel and one of his best. But the reason I chose this for my Life Changing experience is that it was the first book I'd ever read cover to cover in 2 days [which was outside the set reading list at school]. My Mum gave it to me on a holiday... and I've never looked back. I went from hating reading to loving it!

REGRET READING: 31 Songs (Nick Hornby)
I was a huge Nick Hornby fan with High Fidelity and About a Boy... but I have to say, this book was a total self indulgent piece of crap.


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